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Planning & Zoning

Contact the Zoning Department to determine if your intended use of the property you own, or are buying, is in conformity with the ordinances adopted by Richland County.

If a rezoning request is necessary, you will need to make an appointment with the Zoning Administrator. The Administrator will provide you with all the necessary requirements.

Please keep in mind that the process may take up to three months.

If your intention is to rezone property that is currently zoned Agriculture/Forestry, the following questions will need to be answered:

  1. Are there existing or proposed public facilities to serve the development?
  2. Will provision of these facilities be an unreasonable burden to local government?
  3. Will the land proposed for rezoning be suitable for development and not cause unreasonable water or air pollution, soil erosion or adversely effect rare or irreplaceable natural areas?
  4. Is this development on non-agricultural soils or less productive soils?
  5. Will this development be in an area that will cause minimum disruption of established farm operations or damage to environmentally sensitive areas?
  6. Will this development be located as to leave a maximum amount of farmland in farmable size parcels?
  7. Will this development be located in a platted subdivision or sanitary district?
  8. If this is an agricultural-related development, will it comply with other policies set forth in the Goals and Policies of the Richland County Farmland Preservation Plan?