Citizen Compliment or Complaint Form

It is essential for the citizens of Richland County to have a relationship of trust with the Sheriff’s Office. All employees of the Richland County Sheriff’s Office are expected to conduct themselves in a manner as to reflect professionally and favorably upon themselves and the office.

Please use the following form to submit complements or appreciation to the Sheriff’s Office and/or its employees.

Citizen Compliment or Complaint Form

From time to time in today’s world, things may not go as intended. If this unfortunately is the case, we want to know that as well. It is this office’s policy to investigate complaints against the office or a member thereof through regulated, fair and impartial means. All complaints will be forwarded to the Sheriff and/or Chief Deputy Sheriff. A decision will be made regarding validity of the complaint and if action is required to take the appropriate steps to make sure justice is served.

If you have a complaint against a specific deputy or the office, please request to speak with a supervisor who will assist you in documenting your complaint through the use of this form and by taking a statement.

The Richland County Sheriff’s Office is committed to ensuring quality service and safety to the residents and visitors of Richland County. By working together, we can and will make a difference!

Sheriff Clay Porter
Chief Deputy Aaron Wallace